Useful Information

Deadline for Tax Returns

Profits Tax Return

The Profits Tax Return will be issued by the Inland Revenue Department to active partnership businesses and corporations at the beginning of April each year. The deadline for filing Profits Tax Return will be different for companies with different year end dates. The standard deadline and extended due dates are set out below:-

Year-End Dates Fall Within Standard Deadline Extended Due Date
1 April - 30 November (N code) 2 May of next year No extension
1 - 31 December (D code) 15 August of next year No extension
1 January - 31 March (M code) 15 November of the same year 31 January of next year for companies which suffered statutory loss *

* Application must be lodged on or before 31 October.

Tax Return - Individuals

Tax Return - Individuals will be issued by the Inland Revenue Department to individuals at the beginning of May each year. The deadline for filing the Tax Return will be different depending on whether or not the individuals have a sole proprietorship business. The details of the deadlines are as follows:

Sole proprietorship Standard Deadline Extended Due Date
With sole proprietorship 31 July 2 October
Without sole proprietorship 1 month from issue date 30 June

Property Tax Return

The Property Tax Return will be issued by the Inland Revenue Department to landlords at the beginning of April each year. The deadline for filing the Property Tax Return is one month from the date of issue.


If tax returns are not lodged by the above said due dates or extended due dates, the Inland Revenue Department will issue estimated assessments and undergo penalty proceedings under Section 80(2) or 82A. The taxpayer will be subjected to a fine at a maximum of HK$25,000, as well as an additional tax not exceeding treble of the tax concerned.